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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Atheist and the Lost Hope


Click the link to read:

Why Atheism Won’t Succeed in the Philippines


         I have always admired good writers. I think they are brilliant people, especially those who are strongly opinionated and write with full conviction.  The author of this article is an example of a good writer. I have followed several of his blog entry.  However, after reading this. I could not stop myself from thanking God for not making me as brilliant or as intellectual as this writer. Otherwise, I could have joined their religion "atheists". I wish to refute and dispute his arguments. I want to prove to him that God is real. But it's pointless to introduce God to a man who doesn't know what FAITH is. Every person believes in something. It is a choice. Others believe that they are a reincarnation and after death they will be reincarnated again. Others believe that after death nothing comes. However, nobody can prove that what they are believing is 100% true. Just as religion has no enough evidence to convince everybody that God is true, likewise, atheists have no enough reason to prove that God is not true.
       Modern day requires hard scientific evidence to prove something. Otherwise certain beliefs will be reduced to a hypothesis or a legend/myth. Thus, it is wise to say that nobody is certain when it comes to religion. On my part however, I am as lost as anybody else. But in the midst of my uncertainty I found the urge to believe in something. Weighing things down I imagine how my life ends. I am walking at a tunnel and it ends in two ways.  The first one, not to believe in God: at the end of the tunnel there is total nothingness. The second one, to believe in God: at the end of the tunnel, sweet heaven and music and eternal peace..and..so on.. is waiting for me. The first way offers emptiness. The second way, speaks of a word that every one of us is holding onto "HOPE." Yes, I am uncertain but I always have hope. This hope pushes my feet to trod the way where the tunnel ends with God waiting for me." This is what I choose to believe.
       Faith and Hope, two things that I can never give up, two things atheists lack.